May Kid's Registration

This form covers registration for all regularly scheduled May Kids Events for the 2024-2025 School year.
Student Information

Please select one option.
Authorized Pickup Person(s)

Please list all people authorized to take your student home from May Kids events. Students will not be permitted to leave with anyone who is not included in this list
Van Rider Covenant

If your child will ride a van, your child will be required to follow the following rules.
     1. Staying seated and facing forward with bottom in the seat.

     2. Wear their seatbelt at all times. 

     3. No flash photography

     4. Keep voice volume at a low level to minimize driver distractions.

     5. No food or drinks on the vans.

     6. Follow all directions of the van driver and chaperone.

     7. Students must be signed-up weekly by 12:00PM on Wednesdays using the form on the May FBC website to ride the van.

Drivers will not stop at houses of students not signed-up weekly. 

Not following rules will result in the following consequences:

    First offense- verbal warning & a phone call home

    Second offense- phone call home

    Third offense- van riding privileges revoked. Suspension from May Kids program. Depending on offense, length of suspension will be determined by parent/guardian & church staff.

By typing/signing your name in the box below, you and your child are agreeing to the above terms. 
May Kids Behavior Covenant

While attending May Kids Rules:
     1.Respect and listen to your classmates

     2.Respect and listen to the teacher

     3.Raise your hand to speak

     4.Be respectful when someone is talking by remaining quiet

     5.Keep your hands to yourself

     6.Respect others’ property

     7.Walk, don’t run, in the hallways

     8.Have a good attitude

     9.Be respectful of others’ ideas

     10. Be respectful using your words and gestures


Students may not arrive earlier than 5:15 PM. Once your student arrives, they are to remain on the premises until a parent/guardian picks the student up or until a van takes the student home. 

Not following rules will result in the following consequences:

    First offense- verbal warning & a phone call home

    Second offense- phone call home

    Third offense- Suspension from May Kids program. Depending on offense, length of suspension will be determined by parent/guardian & church staff.

By typing/signing your name in the box below, you and your child are agreeing to the above terms.


This form covers registration for all regularly scheduled May Kids Events for the 2024-2025 School year.