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This Release and Consent (“Release”) is entered into on this (DATE BELOW) day (DATE BELOW) of , (DATE BELOW) parent or legal guardian of the youth listed above who was authority to execute this consent form without any limitations. Parent warrants and agrees that he/she (a) has legal custody or is the legal guardian of the minor listed above; (b)understands the terms of this Release and Consent; and (c) has signed this document by his/her own free will.

The undersigned hereby consent to the attendance, travel and participation by the above-named child in any activities and events conducted by May First Baptist Church and/or the May First Baptist Church directors, officers, employees, or agents located in Burleson, Texas and to the participation of the child in all the events relating to these activities throughout the date range listed below, including but not limited to travel to and from these activies. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she and/or the child is physically able to participate in any May First Baptist Church sponsored activity without limitation. By signing below, I, as the participant and/or parent/guardian of the child and on behalf of the myself and the child acknowledge and accept all risks including the risk of physical injury associated with participation in any activity in which the child participates within the date range mentioned below. I agree to photograph and short videos of activities including my child to be taken for use within the church community and for possible publication including newspaper or internet.

Except for gross negligence on the part of May First Baptist Church and/or its representatives, including employees, and/or its volunteers, the participant (or parent/guardian) accepts personal financial responsibility for any bodily or personal injury sustained during any activity. Further, I, as the participant and/or parent/guardian of the child and on behalf of the child promises to release and hold harmless May First Baptist Church and its representatives, including employees, and its volunteers, for any injury, damage or claim related to any activity.

I, the undersigned, hereby agree that in case of an accident or injury to my child, May First Baptist Church will first use reasonable efforts to contact the parent and/or guardian before agreeing to authorize any medical care or treatment. In case of an emergency, if time is of the essence and I cannot/have not been contacted, I, the undersigned hereby authorize any of the employees, agents and/or representatives of May First Baptist Church to: (i) provide for, approve and authorize any health care at any hospital, emergency room, doctors office or

other institution, including blood transfusion; (ii) employ any physicians, dentists, nurses or other person whose services may be needed for such health care; (iii) receive and review and, if necessary, disclose the contents of any confidential medical records (HIPPA CONSENT); and, (iv) execute consent forms required by medical, dental or other health authorities incident to the provision of medical, surgical or dental care to the child.

Such Activities may include but are not limited to the following:

- Paint Ball
- Putt-Putt
- Outdoor Movie
- Whirly ball
- May Missions
- Camping
- Kids/Youth Activites off Campus
- Car Wash
- Work days at the church
- Skating/Ice Skating
- Basketball or other games
- Disciple Now Activities


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